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The Messy Middle 
Sleep Solution
Sleep Your Way Through Midlife
$197 CDN
What you’re going to get:
  • 100+ page The Messy Middle Sleep Solution – Sleep Your Way Through Midlife handbook to help you through your self-led midlife sleep program.
  • Access to your own Membership Site Login - Giving you lifetime access to your guidebook, bonus, and resources.
  • All the info, education and resources you need to help you sleep better and stress less including printable information on sleep diaries, mindfulness activities, and bedtime breathing.
  • ​BONUS: How Menopause Affects Sleep and Its Relationship to Stress, Nutrition, Your Morning and Afternoon Routines: How it Helps You Sleep, How Sheets and Blankets Help You Sleep Better
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Invest With Confidence Guarantee

Here’s how the guarantee works: 

Good Night Sleep Site guarantees that this program will work if the individual that have read the Letter of Understanding, are 100% consistent by following the advice of The Messy Middle Sleep Solution. This program is created for those who are able and willing to conduct a self-led program and who understand that the process and outcome of this program may differ in success of reaching your sleep goals due to no 1:1 support from a Good Night Sleep Site consultant. 

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